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How VPN Can Protect You from Hackers in 2022

With the growing number of internet users across the world, the number of cybercrimes cases has been mind-blowing. In fact, a recent study by the University of Maryland has established that there is a hacker attack every 39 seconds which averages at around 2,244 incidences per day. Data breaches exposed over 4.1 billion records in the first half of the year 2020. With such statistics, it is quite evident that the illegal hacking industry has posed a massive threat to not only business networks but also personal networks. Close to 80% of Americans fear for their digital safety and [...]

ExpressVPN Free Trial: Everything You Need to Know

Firstly, it is proper and right to know that VPN is more or less the officially recognized abbreviation for Virtual Private Network. If you are looking for online privacy or you want to remain anonymous online, connect to a VPN. Most importantly, VPN services provide greater privacy by establishing secure and encrypted connections. In addition to that, VPNs conceal your internet protocol (IP) thereby making it almost impossible to be traced. Remember, surfing the web exposes your browsing habits like torrenting and private information too. Therefore, connecting to a virtual private network (VPN) is a must if you want [...]

2020-12-30T12:39:30+00:0021.12.2020|VPN FAQ|

9 Common & Unusual Uses of VPN You Need to Know About

Since the launch of the first web browser in 1993, the Mosaic, internet usage has seen tremendous growth in the last 2 decades. The numbers are just overwhelming. Today, 4.5 billion out of a global population of around 7.7 billion people use the internet for one reason or another. It has revolutionized communication, business, and lead to the emergence of smart homes and cities. With so much convenience, the internet also comes with new threats with breach of privacy standing out as a significant problem. Companies, as well as individuals, are looking for robust solutions to secure their data [...]

2021-01-08T15:25:59+00:0030.07.2020|VPN FAQ|
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