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FCC Intends to Revoke Net Neutrality To Benefit Telecoms Firms

Be aware! The repeal would allow internet service providers to limit user access and charge some users more than others. Earlier this week, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced that they intend to revoke the watershed set of policies which allowed all US citizens equal access to the internet. Revoking these policies would immensely impact users, as internet service providers would be allowed to employ practices such as throttling and restricting user access to online platforms. Ajit Pai, chairman of the FCC submitted the proposal which aims to revoke all Net Neutrality policies created under the Obama administration. The [...]


China Increases Its Surveillance with Voice Database

China is currently creating a database with thousands of its citizen’s voice information. In a report published last week, the Human Rights Watch confirmed that the Chinese government has been engaged in collecting thousands of voice samples from certain targeted citizens. The voice samples have been included into a national biometric database of voices. Reports have stated that the voice biometric database will be able to identify certain voices in telephone conversations, as well as other conversations, by using an automated system. Up until now, this system was considered to be still in its development phase. Including a voice [...]


Facebook Faceliker Malware Resurfaces and Spreading Like Wildfire

McAfee has warned users that the Facebook malware is back and has the potential to cause a lot of damage. The concept of likes on Facebook has become increasingly popular. Not only for individuals who want their opinions validates but especially for large companies and corporations where every like and share is a powerful advertisement tool. Considering the popularity of likes, it comes as no surprise that there is now a Facebook malware specifically tailored to those sought-after likes. The malicious Trojan is known as “Faceliker” has been doing the rounds since 2013, but a new and improved version [...]

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