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Android Security and Privacy in 2022

With over 1.6 billion users worldwide, the Android mobile operating system dominates the market as the most popular mobile OS in the world. Big Smartphone manufacturers such as Huawei, Xiaomi, and Sony companies run most of their devices on the Android operating system. The fact that the operating system is available on a variety of Smartphones makes it a favorite for most people. Besides, it is also easily customizable, and with that freedom comes massive privacy threats. According to a recent survey report by the CVE, Android tops as one of the most vulnerable operating systems and hence posing [...]

Freelancer Toolset: Top 8 Essential Apps & Programs Every Remote Worker Needs

The Freelance industry has, in the last decade, seen tremendous growth. People now love the idea of working remotely from their homes and vacations. The internet has been a huge player in this. According to Upwork, 36% (57 million) of the American workforce were freelancers by 2016. Collectively, the workforce contributed around 1.4 trillion dollars annually to the US economy. The number is expected to hit 43% by the end of 2020. According to recent projections, it is estimated that a majority of the American workforce will be freelancers by the year 2027. This will be due to the [...]

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